Breakfast, This and That

Southern Skillet Gravy

First thing’s first, get your biscuit making jam cued up before jumping into this perfect pair for any biscuit ever. After I shared my Southern Homestyle Biscuits recipe, it only seemed natural to share my absolute favorite gluten-free, dairy free southern skillet gravy with you.

This gravy is so quick and simple to make. You would have NO idea it doesn’t contain gluten or dairy! The consistency is just WOW and the flavor is everything you want in a white gravy. Sausage or bacon grease are the real super-star in this recipe. Start your base with the grease and almond milk and you’re going places.

Nobody likes a clumpy gravy. Be sure to make it silky smooth by whisking it thoroughly and waiting until your mixture comes to a steady boil.

You’ll know once you hit gravy nirvana. The key to a perfect gravy is consistent whisking. Once the gravy starts thickening, turn the heat down and continue to stir until completely combined and smooth. (Go ahead, lick the spoon 😉).

This gravy takes me back to the gravy of my childhood. waking up at 6 a.m. to my Granny singing “Oh what a beautiful morning!” at the top of her lungs, dragging my way into the kitchen and barely being able to climb up onto the barstool to reach the freshly-made goodness. That smell is forever ingrained in my memory. Oh my word. Iconic. As always, gravy is best served HOT. Pair it with biscuits, rice, potatoes, vegetables or whatever you fancy. This gravy is sure to please!

That’s all, y’all!

-Sarah W.

(Recipe Below 👇👇👇)

Appetizers, Breakfast

Southern Homestyle Biscuits

Let’s be real, y’all… nothing is more disappointing to a celiac than the fact that not only can we not have bread anymore, but every bread substitution just doesn’t quite cut it. Gluten-free biscuits can be a hit or miss. Most have way more work involved than they’re worth and don’t quite live up to the hype. This recipe is only 30 minutes total (right!?), possibly the easiest biscuit you’ve ever made, and completely worth it.

Cue up the best biscuit making jam and let’s get cookin’!

6 simple ingredients will get you to your ultimate gf biscuits dream goals.

Like any good bread, you start with your basics. I highly recommend a flour with xantham gum already in the blend, it will help hold all the biscuit goodness together.

This is the same dairy-free “buttermilk” trick from my Fried Chicken recipe. Mix 1 T. lemon juice with 1 cup of your choice of dairy-free milk. The lemon juice causes it to curdle and create the ideal buttermilk replacement.

It’s hard to mix an egg into sticky dough, so be sure to whisk it well before adding it to the mixture!

Any southern cook’s favorite trick with bread-based recipes is by-far “cutting” butter into the flour. This is the best technique to get a light, flaky dough. You can use a pastry cutter to do this, or use two butter knives the old fashioned way.

Pastry cutter’s can be found at any grocery store.

In classic gluten-free fashion, the dough will be quite sticky, so be sure to coat it in flour on both sides before pressing it out.

Our saving grace for these biscuits will be the light airiness that cutting the butter gives this dough, so be sure not to roll the dough out, as you don’t want to lose the natural air bubbles between layers.

You can use a biscuit cutter, cookie cutter, or straight edged cup to cut your biscuits. Granny always went with the cup, I don’t blame her 🙃

Be sure to place the biscuits about a half inch apart before sending them in to meet their destiny. (Nobody wants a mega-biscuit situation).

15 minutes later, take a bite of biscuit heaven. Pair it with butter, honey, jelly, or my favorite southern skillet gravy.

That’s all, y’all!

-Sarah W.

(Recipe Below 👇👇👇)


Not Your Grandmama’s Fried Chicken

What says “southern” more than fried chicken? 😋 Nothing. That’s what.

One of the most devastating parts of discovering I had celiac disease was the realization that fried chicken would no longer be a luxury I could partake in (boo). But by-golly, I’ve never met a challenge I didn’t square up with. After much experimentation and expert taste-testing, I give to you, the best recipe for gluten-free, dairy-free fried chicken out there. I swear you’ll forget it’s gluten free!

For this mind-blowing batter, you only need 4 simple ingredients. I highly recommend Bob’s Red Mill 1-to-1 baking flour; however, if you do use a different flour, be sure that your mix contains xanthan gum and baking soda. (If you mill your own flour, this is my favorite combination for this recipe).

The lemon juice causes the almond milk to curdle, making the IDEAL non-dairy buttermilk alternative.

The trick to getting the perfect fry every time is rolling the drumsticks in flour before starting your formal battering process. No cracks, no peeling, just perfect crispy fried chicken. If you aren’t sure how to skin a chicken leg, I prefer this method.

The best part of fried chicken is the breading (obviously) so be sure to apply a double coat after your base coat (trust me, I guarantee the chicken on your childhood was done this way).

The sound of chicken frying is so satisfying. Be sure to check your oil levels to ensure the chicken is covered a little over halfway. Don’t let the oil overheat, it’s better to fry slowly than to burn the crust!

I don’t have to tell you the kind of delicious golden brown we’re going for here (you know).

Yes, I promise it’s gluten free! Grandmama would be so proud. Pair it with your favorite sides, eat it hot or cold, go ahead, indulge your southern side.

That’s all, y’all!

– Sarah W.

(Recipe Below 👇👇👇)